Saturday, July 9, 2011




                 Lesson 1

Getting Familiar with Microsoft Word 2007 for Windows
Microsoft Word is a word processing software package. You can use it to type letters, reports,
and other documents. It gives you the ability to use your home computer as well as your
business computer for desktop publishing. Although this tutorial was created for the computer
novice, because Microsoft Word 2007 is so different from previous versions of Microsoft Word,
even experienced users may find it useful. This lesson will introduce you to the Word window.
You use this window to interact with Word.

 The Microsoft Office Button
 The Quick Access Toolbar
 The Title Bar
 The Ribbon
 The Ruler
 The Text Area
 The Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars
 The Status Bar
 Understanding Document Views
 Understanding Nonprinting Characters

Lesson 2

Microsoft Word 2007 Basic Features
Lesson 1 familiarized you with the Microsoft Word window. You are now ready to learn how to
create a Word document. This lesson covers typing, using the Backspace key, using the Delete
key, inserting text, bolding, underlining, and italicizing.

 Type, Backspace, and Delete
 Insert and Overtype
 Bold, Italicize, and Underline
 Save a File and Close Word

Lesson 3

More Basic Features

The features in Word 2007 can make your work easier, make your documents more attractive,
and/or enable you to work more efficiently. This Microsoft Word lesson teaches you how to open
a file, cut, copy, paste, use AutoText, use spell check, use Find and Replace, and change fonts.
All of these features either make your work easier or make your document more attractive.

 Open a File
 Cut and Paste
 Copy and Paste
 Use the Clipboard
 Create AutoText
 Use Spell Check
 Find and Replace
 Change the Font Size
 Change the Font
Lesson 4

Formatting Paragraphs and Working with Styles

When you type information into Microsoft Word, each time you press the Enter key Word
creates a new paragraph. You can format paragraphs. For example, you can indent the first line
of a paragraph, you can set the amount of space that separates paragraphs, and you can align
a paragraph left, right, center, or flush with both margins. Styles are a set of formats you can
quickly apply to a paragraph. For example, by applying a style, you can set the font, set the font
size, and align a paragraph all at once. In this lesson, you will learn about the various formats
you can apply to a paragraph and about styles.

 Open a Blank Document
 Add Sample Text
 Add Space Before or After Paragraphs
 Change Line Spacing
 Create a First-Line Indent
 Indent Paragraphs
 Align Paragraphs
 Create a Hanging Indent
 Choose a Style Set
 Apply a Style
 Change Style Sets

                     Lesson 5

Adding Bullets and Numbers, Undoing and Redoing, Setting Page

Layouts and Printing Documents
If you have lists of data, you may want to bullet or number them. When using Microsoft Word,
bulleting and numbering are easy. The first part of this lesson teaches you to bullet and number.
After you have completed your document, you may want to share it with others. One way to
share your document is to print and distribute it. However, before you print you may want to add
page numbers and tell Word such things as the page orientation, the paper size, and the margin
setting you want to use. In this lesson you will learn how to layout and how to print your

 Add Bullets and Numbers
 Set the Orientation
 Set the Page Size
 Set the Margins
 Add Page Numbers
 Insert Page Breaks
 Preview and Print Documents

                    Lesson 6


 Drop Cap
 Table of Contents
 Citation & Bibliography
 Mail Merge
 Spelling & Grammar
 Track Change
 Macro

Lesson 1

Getting Familiar with Microsoft Word 2007 for Windows

Microsoft Word is a powerful word processor (A program or computer that enables you to
perform word processing functions) by Microsoft. You can use it to type letters, reports, and
other documents. Its executable filename is “WinWord” and its extension is “.docx”.
We can start it by using

 Start Run Type “WinWord” and click ok.

 Start Program Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Word 2007

The Microsoft Word window appears and your screen looks similar to the one shown here.
Note: Your screen will probably not look exactly like the screen shown. In Word 2007, how a
window displays depends on the size of your window, the size of your monitor, and the
resolution to which your monitor is set. Resolution determines how much information your
computer monitor can display. If you use a low resolution, less information fits on your screen,
but the size of your text and images are larger. If you use a high resolution, more information fits
on your screen, but the size of the text and images are smaller. Also, Word 2007, Windows
Vista, and Windows XP have settings that allow you to change the color and style of your

The Microsoft Office Button

In the upper-left corner of the Word 2007 window is the Microsoft Office button. The Office
Button replaces the file menu present in previous versions of Word. When you click the button,
a menu appears. You can use the menu to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file,
and perform many other tasks

After clicking the above button the following menu appears with the list of commands.

(i) New :- New option of office button is used to open a new blank file. Its shortcut key is “
Ctrl + N. ”
(ii) Open :- This is used to open an existing file. When we click on this option then open
dialog box appears. Type the filename in the dialogbox which has to be open and
click open. Its shortcut key is “ Ctrl + O ”
(iii) Save : - We can store the file permanently to click on save option of office button. Its
shortcut is “ Ctrl + S ”.
(iv) Save As : - This option of office button has five commands. Its shortcut key is F12.
a. Word Document : - It is the default option of Save As. When we click on Save As
then Word Document is select automacically. It saves the file with default
extension “ .docx “ .
b. Word Template : - This option of Save As is used to save the file in a template
c. Word 97 – 2003 Document :- This option helps us to save the file in previous
version of MS Word. This file is saved with “.doc” extension. This file can be
opened in the previos version (MS Word 97 - 2003) as well as MS Word 2007
d. Find add – ins for other file formats :- This change modifies your settings to
enable the default “Save As -> Find add-ins for other file formats” button under
the Office menu of Word 2007. At times, you may want to share your documents
with users who do not have Word 2007 installed on their computers. To do this,
you click the Office Button and select Save As - PDF or XPS menu command.
This command enables you to save your documents in the Portable Document
Format (PDF) and XML Paper Specification (XPS) formats. Using these formats,
you can easily share your Word 2007 documents with other users on the Internet
without considering the type of computer or applications that they are using.
e. Other Format :- It opens the Save As dialog box to select all possible types for
saving the file.
(v) Print :- Print option of Office button has three commands. Its shortcut key is “ Ctrl + P “.
a. Print :- This option opens print dialog box. In the dialog box we can set the name
of printers, order of page, orientation of page, number or copy etc. After setting
we can print the page. Its shortcut key is “Ctrl + P”.
b. Quick Print :- This option helps us to print the page with the default setting of
printers. It does not open the dialog box.
c. Print Preview :-This option shows the preview of current page or file. Its shortcut
key is “ Ctrl + F2 ”.
(vi) Prepare :- The Prepare command provides options for completing your document.
The options “enhance the privacy, security and authenticity of the document.”2
These options are the same in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
The Prepare command options are:

a. Properties :- This option helps to view and edit properties of current document or

other document, such as Author of file, Title of file etc.
b. Inspect Document :- It opens a dialog box “Document Inspector” with five
options. Whatever options you select that will be inspected.
c. Encrypt Document :- It is used to protect the document. An Encrypt document
dialog box pops up with an option for you to set password.
i. Enter a strong password and click Ok
ii. A confirm password dialog box pops up with an option for you to reenter
password and confirm it.
iii. If you are done with your work on the Word 2007 file, save your word
iv. Another Microsoft word dialog box pops up with the message “This
document is both encrypted and password protected. The office Open
XML Formats available in the 2007 release provide stronger encryption.
Do you want to increase the security of this document by converting to an
Office open XML format ?”.
v. If you want stronger security, click Yes else click No in the above dialog
You have password protected and encrypted the Word document. When you try
opening the encrypted and password protected word 2007 document, you will
be asked to enter the password. However, if you forget or loose password it
cannot be recovered in a straight forward manner. Special software may be

required to recover the password. Hence it is advisable to keep a list of

passwords and their corresponding document names in a safe place.
d. Restrict Permission :- you can use Information Rights Management to allow
only specified individuals to access a document. Using Information Rights
Management, you can assign specific rights to each user, including restricting the
ability to copy, print, forward, modify, or fact a document. You can even set an
expiration date after which a user cannot access the document.
To restrict permission to a document, follow the steps below:
i. Click the Microsoft Office button, point to Prepare, Restrict Permission
and then click Restricted Access.
ii. In the Permission dialog box, click Restrict Permission To This Document.
iii. In the Read and Change boxes, add e-mail addresses for those to whom
you want to grant permission.
iv. You can click Read or Change to select a user name from your address
v. Enter addresses of users to whom you want to grant full control in the
Read or Change box.
To customize permissions, click More options. In the dialog box, you can change
permission levels to add further permissions such as setting an expiration date or
allowing printing.
Note : Information Rights Management is only available in Microsoft Office 2007
Ultimate, Professional Plus and Enterprise editions and will require the installation of
the Windows Rights Management client.
e. Add a Digital Signature :- In Office Word 2007, either you can add an invisible
digital signature to a document, or you can insert a Microsoft Office Signature
Line to capture a visible representation of a signature along with a digital

The ability to capture digital signatures by using signature lines in Office
documents makes it possible for organizations to use paperless signing
processes for documents like contracts or other agreements. Unlike signatures
on paper, digital signatures provide a record of exactly what was signed, and
they allow the signature to be verified in the future.
To add a digital signature, do the following steps : -
i. Office button Prepare Add a Digital Signature

ii. Select the one you want, and then click ok.

iii. Enter the purpose for signing this document.

iv. Click Sign.
f. Mark As Final :- When we click on “ Mark As Final “ then document becomes
read only and we can not make any changes in the document.
g. Run Compatibility Checker :- When you open a document in Microsoft Office
Word 2007 that was created in Word 2003, you'll see Compatibility Mode written
in the title bar of the document window indicating that Compatibility Mode is
turned on.
We can on/off this option by clicking “Run Compatibility Checker”
(vii) Send :- Through this option, we can send document with e-mail as attachment and
fax also.
(viii) Publish :- The Publish command includes options for publishing documents to a
shared work space, Blog or to a file format for use in another program. In each of these
Office 2007 programs, the options available are different and reflect the nature of the
work that is done in that program.
a. Blog :- Setting up Word to publish was very easy and will work with Windows
XP and Vista and it only takes a few dialogs to set it all up! Also, you can have
more than one blog set up under multiple blog systems. The following are
i. Windows Live Spaces
ii. Blogger
iii. SharePoint blog

iv. Community Server

v. TypePad
vi. WordPress
Follow the following steps :-
i. To start, click the round Office button, Publish, then blog.

ii. Since this is the first time were setting this up, click the Register Now button
in the Register a Blog Account dialog.

iii. In the New Blog Account dialog, select WordPress from the drop down

iv. In the New WordPress Account dialog, you get to fill in all of the important

information. In the Blog Post URL, fill in your blog’s address; if you’ve
installed WordPress somewhere other than your site’s root, then you need to
specify that here. Say you’ve installed WordPress at:
then the URL would be enter your
username and password. These would be the values that you use to log into
WordPress!If you would like Word to upload pictures for you, we can set that
up by clicking the Picture Options button.

v. The Picture Options dialog is a little tricky, so pay attention! You can choose
to have Word publish images to directly to you blog provider (think a account) or to your server (if you or a host is serving your
site). I’m hosting this site, so I chose the My own server option. In the Upload
URL text box, type in the address as so: So, let’s say that this is your
a. WordPress Username: Kumar
b. WordPress Password: 123
c. WordPress URL:
d. Folder: images
Then you would type: – notice the colon
between the username and password and that there is not “http://” in the URL.
And the source would read: http://

If you upload your images to the default location (from within posts), you can set

that up as:
And the Source URL would be

vi. Click OK.

Create Your First Blog Entry

Now, you can see the Ribbon has changed to blogging mode! You can Publish, Publish
as draft, Insert your categories .Open existing posts, set up new blogs and even insert
HTML objects like pictures, links, charts and so much more! You can even create drop
shadows and other image effects!

After you are done, you can simply click the Publish button and your post will be live.
b. Document Management Server :- Share the document by saving it to a
document management server.

c. Create Document Workspace :- It allows other people to interact with the

(ix) Close : - It closes the current open document.

The Quick Access Toolbar

Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar. The Quick Access toolbar
provides you with access to commands you frequently use. By default Save, Undo, and Redo
appear on the Quick Access toolbar. You can use Save to save your file, Undo to rollback an
action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you have rolled back.

The Title Bar

Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title bar. The Title bar displays the title of the document
on which you are currently working. Word names the first new document you open Document1.
As you open additional new documents, Word names them sequentially. When you save your
document, you assign the document a new name.

The Ribbon

You use commands to tell Microsoft Word what to do. In Microsoft Word 2007, you use the
Ribbon to issue commands. The Ribbon is located near the top of the screen, below the Quick
Access toolbar. At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs; clicking a tab displays several related
command groups. Within each group are related command buttons. You click buttons to issue
commands or to access menus and dialog boxes. You may also find a dialog box launcher in
the bottom-right corner of a group. Clicking the dialog box launcher gives you access to
additional commands via a dialog box.

The Ruler
The ruler is found below the Ribbon.

You can use the ruler to change the format of your document quickly. If your ruler is not visible,
follow the steps listed here:

1. Click the View tab to choose it.
2. Click the check box next to Ruler in the Show/Hide group. The ruler appears below the

The Text Area

Just below the ruler is a large area called the text area. You type your document in the text
area. The blinking vertical line in the upper-left corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the
insertion point. As you type, your text displays at the cursor location. The horizontal line next to
the cursor marks the end of the document.

The Vertical and Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars

The vertical and horizontal scroll bars enable you to move up, down, and across your window
simply by dragging the icon located on the scroll bar. The vertical scroll bar is located along the
right side of the screen. The horizontal scroll bar is located just above the status bar. To move
up and down your document, click and drag the vertical scroll bar up and down. To move back
and forth across your document, click and drag the horizontal scroll bar back and forth. You
won't see a horizontal scroll bar if the width of your document fits on your screen.

The Status Bar

The Status bar appears at the very bottom of your window and provides such information as the
current page and the number of words in your document. You can change what displays on the
Status bar by right-clicking on the Status bar and selecting the options you want from the
Customize Status Bar menu. You click a menu item to select it. You click it again to deselect it.
A check mark next to an item means it is selected.

Understanding Document Views

In Word 2007, you can display your document in one of five views: Draft, Web Layout, Print
Layout, Full Screen Reading, or Online Layout.
Draft View
Draft view is the most frequently used view. You use Draft view to quickly edit your
Web Layout
Web Layout view enables you to see your document as it would appear in a browser
such as Internet Explorer.
Print Layout
The Print Layout view shows the document as it will look when it is printed.
Reading Layout
Reading Layout view formats your screen to make reading your document more
Outline View
Outline view displays the document in outline form. You can display headings without
the text. If you move a heading, the accompanying text moves with it.
You should use Draft view for these lessons. Before moving ahead, make sure you are in Draft

1. Click the View tab.

2. Click Draft in the Document Views group. When the Draft option is selected it appears in
a contrasting color.

Understanding Non printing Characters

Certain characters, called nonprinting characters, do not print and will not appear in your printed
document but do affect your document layout. You can elect to see these characters on the
screen as you type or you can elect to have them remain invisible. For these lessons, opt to see
them onscreen. This box describes most of them:
Character Denotes

To view nonprinting characters:

1. Choose the Home tab.
2. Click the Show/Hide button in the Paragraph group . The Show/Hide button appears
in a contrasting color, when it is selected.

Lesson 2

Microsoft Word 2007 Basic Features

Type, Backspace, and Delete

In Microsoft Word, you create documents by typing them. For example, if you want to create a
report, you open Microsoft Word and then begin typing. You do not have to do anything when
your text reaches the end of a line and you want to move to a new line—Microsoft Word
automatically moves your text to a new line. If you want to start a new paragraph, press Enter.
Microsoft word creates a blank line to indicate the start of a new paragraph. To capitalize, hold
down the Shift key while typing the letter you want to capitalize. If you make a mistake, you can
delete what you typed and then type your correction.
You can use the Backspace key to delete. Each time you press the Backspace key, Microsoft
Word deletes the character that precedes the insertion point. The insertion point is the point at
which your mouse pointer is located. You can also delete text by using the Delete key. First, you
select the text you want to delete; then you press the Delete key.

Insert and Overtype

While creating your document, you may find you need to insert text—place new text between
existing texts. Suppose, you type the sentence, "Joe has a large boat." After typing it, you
decide you want to change the sentence to "Joe has a large blue boat." With Microsoft Word,
inserting a word, phrase, or even several paragraphs is easy.
Alternatively, you may want to overtype text—replace old text with new text. For example,
suppose you type the sentence, "Joe has a large blue boat." After typing it, you decide you want
to change the sentence to "Joe has a large gray boat." With Microsoft Word, overtyping the
word blue with the word gray is also easy. Before you attempt to insert or overtype, you should
check the mode you are in—Insert or Overtype. You right-click the Status bar and then use the
Customize Status Bar menu to place the Insert/Overtype button on the Status bar. You can then
use the Insert/Overtype button to switch between Insert and Overtype mode. When you are in
Insert mode, you can insert text. When you are in Overtype mode, you can overtype text. By
default, Microsoft Word is in the Insert mode.


You can type over the current text (replace the current text with new text) in the Overtype mode.
Do the following to change to the Overtype mode.

 Click "Insert" on the Status bar. The word Insert changes to Overtype.

Change the word "blue" to "gray."
1. Place the cursor before the letter "b" in "blue."
2. Type the word gray.
3. The sentence should now read:
"Joe has a large gray boat."
Note: You can overtype text without changing to Overtype mode by selecting the text you want
to overtype and then typing.

Bold, Italic, and Underline

When creating a document, you may need to emphasize particular words or phrases by bolding,
underlining, or italicizing. Also, certain grammatical constructs require that you bold, underline,
or italicize. You can bold, underline, and italicize when using Word. You also can combine
these features—in other words; you can bold, underline, and italicize a single piece of text.
When you need to perform a task in Microsoft Word, you can usually choose from several
methods. The exercises that follow show you how to bold, underline, or italicize using four
different methods: using the launcher, the Ribbon, the Mini-toolbar/context menu, and the

Shortcut keys are : -

1. Press Ctrl + b (bold).
2. Press Ctrl + i (italicize).
3. Press Ctrl + u (underline).
Note: You can remove formatting by highlighting the text and pressing Ctrl + spacebar.

Save a File and Close Word

You must save your documents if you wish to recall them later. You can use the Save option on
the Microsoft Office Button, to save a document. You can also save a document by pressing Ctrl
+ S. The first time you save a document, the Save As dialog box appears. Use the Save As
dialog box to locate the folder in which you want to save your document and to give your
document a name. After you have saved your document at least once, you can save any
changes you make to your document simply by clicking the Save after you click the Microsoft
Office button.
For closing word, we can click “Exit” option of Office Button Menu or by pressing Alt +

Lesson 3

More Basic Features

Open a File

When you do not have time to complete your work or when you finish your work, you can save
and close your file. After saving a file, you can later open it to revise or finish it. To open a file
we can press “ Ctrl + O “ or to click open option of office button menu and then type filename in
the dialog box.

Cut and Paste

You can use Word's Cut feature to remove information from a document. Then you can use the
Paste feature to place the information you cut anywhere in the same or another document. In
other words, you can move information from one place in a document to another place in the
same or different document by using the Cut and Paste features. The Office Clipboard is a
storage area. When you cut, Word stores the data you cut on the Clipboard. You can paste the
information that is stored on the Clipboard as often as you like. Shortcut key of cut is Ctrl + X
and shortcut key of past is Ctrl + V.

Copy and Paste

In Microsoft Word, you can copy information from one area of a document and place the
information you copied anywhere in the same or another document. In other words, after you
type information into a document, if you want to place the same information somewhere else,
you do not have to retype the information. You simple copy it and then paste it in the new
location. As with cut data, Word stores copied data on the Clipboard.

Use the Clipboard

As you cut or copy, Word can store the information you have cut or copied on the Clipboard in a
hierarchy. Then each time you cut or copy, the data you just cut or copied moves to the top of
the Clipboard hierarchy and the data previously at the top moves down one level. When you
choose Paste, the item at the top of the hierarchy is the item Word pastes into your document.
The Clipboard can store up to 24 items. You can paste any item on the Clipboard into your
document by placing your cursor at the insertion point, displaying the Clipboard pane, and then
clicking the item. We can store maximum 24 items in the office clipboard.

The Clipboard pane includes an Options button. You can click the Options button to set the
Clipboard options described in the following table.
                 Option                                                      Description
Show Office Clipboard Automatically        Shows the Clipboard automatically when you
                                                                     copy items.

Show Office Clipboard When Ctrl+c          
Shows the Clipboard when you press Ctrl+c

Pressed Twice                                            

Collect Without Showing Office                
Copies to the Clipboard without displaying the

Clipboard pane.

Show Office Clipboard Icon on                  
Displays the Clipboard icon on your system


Show Status Near Taskbar When              
Displays the number of items copied on the

taskbar when copying.

Create AutoText

Cut and Copy both store information on the Clipboard. Information you store on the Clipboard is
eventually lost. If you want to store information permanently for reuse, use AutoText. AutoText
permanently stores information for future use.
Create AutoText
1. Type the following:
AutoText information is stored permanently.
2. Select "AutoText information is stored permanently."
3. Choose the Insert tab.
4. Click Quick Parts in the Text group. A menu appears.
5. Click Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery. The Create New Building Block dialog box

6. Microsoft Word suggests a name. Change the name by typing AT in the Name field.

7. Click OK. The dialog box closes.
8. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting.
9. Place the cursor between the period in the sentence you just typed and the paragraph
marker (¶).
10. Press the spacebar to leave a blank space.
11. Type AT.
12. Press F3. Your text should now read:
"AutoText information is stored permanently. AutoText information is stored
Note: Whenever you need the text, simply type the name (AT) and then press F3.

Use Spell Check

Word checks your spelling and grammar as you type. Spelling errors display with a red wavy
line under the word. Grammar errors display with a green wavy line under the error. In Word
2007, you can use the Review tab's Spelling & Grammar button to initiate a spell and grammar
check of your document.
Example - Use Spell Check

1. Type the following exactly as shown. Include all errors.

Open thr door for Mayrala. She is a teacher from the town of Ridgemont.
2. Select: "Open thr door for Mayrala. She is a teacher from the town of Ridgemont."
3. Choose the Review tab.
4. Click the Spelling & Grammar button. The Spelling and Grammar dialog box appears.

6. "The" is misspelled, so it is highlighted on the screen and noted in the Not in Dictionary
box. Word suggests correct spellings. These suggestions are found in the Suggestions
7. Click "the" in the Suggestions box.
8. Click Change.
Note: If the word is misspelled in several places, click Change All to correct all
9. The name "Mayrala" is not in the dictionary, but it is correct. Click Ignore Once to leave
"Mayrala" in the document with its current spelling.
Note: If a word appears in several places in the document, click Ignore All so you are
not prompted to correct the spelling for each occurrence.
10. "Ridgemont" is not found in the dictionary. If you frequently use a word not found in the
dictionary, you might want to add that word to the dictionary by clicking the Add to
Dictionary button. Word will then recognize the word the next time it appears. Click Add
to Dictionary.
11. The following should appear on your screen: "Word finished checking the selection. Do
you want to continue checking the remainder of the document?"
12. Click No. If you wanted Word to spell-check the entire document, you would have clicked
Note: You can also press F7 to initiate a spelling and grammar check. If you don't have
anything selected, Word checks the entire document.

Find and Replace

If you need to find a particular word or phrase in your document, you can use the Find
command. This command is especially useful when you are working with large files. If you want
to search the entire document, simply execute the Find command. If you want to limit your
search to a selected area, select that area and then execute the Find command.
After you find the word or phrase you are searching for, you can replace it with new text by
executing the Replace command.
Example - Use Find with the Ribbon

1. Type the following:
Monica is from Easton. She lives on the east side of town. Her daughter attends
Eastern High School.
2. Select: "Monica is from Easton. She lives on the east side of town. Her daughter attends
Eastern High School."
3. Choose the Home tab.
4. Click Find in the Editing group. A menu appears.
5. Click the Find option on the menu. The Find and Replace dialog box appears.

6. Type east in the Find What field.

7. Click Find Next.

Note that the "East" in Easton is highlighted.
8. Click Find Next again.
Note that "east" is highlighted.
9. Click Find Next again.
Note that the "East" in Eastern is highlighted.
10. Click Find Next. The following message should appear: "Word has finished searching
the selection. Do you want to search the remainder of the document?"
11. Click No.
12. Click Cancel.

Alternate Method—Find with Keys

1. Select: "Monica is from Easton. She lives on the east side of town. Her daughter attends
Eastern High School."
2. Press Ctrl + F.
3. Follow steps 6 through 12 in the preceding section.

Use Replace with the Ribbon

1. Select "Monica is from Easton. She lives on the east side of town. Her daughter attends
Eastern High School."
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click Replace in the Editing group. The Find and Replace dialog box appears.

4. Type east in the Find What box.

5. Type west in the Replace With box.
6. Click Find Next. The East in Easton is highlighted.
7. Click Replace. Word replaces the "East" in "Easton" with "West" and then highlights the
word "east."
8. Click Replace. Word replaces the word "east" with "west" and then highlights the word
9. Click Close. Do not replace the "East" in "Eastern" with "West."
10. Your text should now read,
"Monica is from Weston. She lives on the west side of town. Her daughter attends
Eastern High School."

Alternate Method—Replace with Keys

1. Select "Monica is from Easton. She lives on the west side of town. Her daughter attends
Western High School."
2. Press Ctrl + h.
3. Follow steps 4 through 11 in the preceding section.

Change the Font Size

A font is a set of characters (text) represented in a single typeface. Each character within a font
is created by using the same basic style. In Microsoft Word, you can change the size of your
font. The following exercise illustrates changing the font size.
Example - Change the Font Size

1. Type the following:

I can be any size you want me to be.
2. Select "I can be any size you want me to be."
3. Choose the Home tab.
4. In the Font group, click the down arrow next to the Font Size box. A menu of font sizes
5. Move your cursor over the menu of font sizes. As you do, Word 2007 provides a live
preview of the effect of applying each font size.
6. Click 36 to select it as your font size.
Note: If you know the font size you want, you can type it in the Font Size field.
Alternate Method—Change the Font Size with Grow Font and Shrink Font
You can also change the size of your font by clicking the Grow Font and Shrink Font buttons.
Selecting text and then clicking the Grow Font button makes your font larger. Selecting text and
then clicking the Shrink Font button makes your font smaller.

1. Type the following:

Grow Shrink
2. Select "Grow"
3. Choose the Home tab.
4. Click the Grow Font button several times. You font becomes larger.
5. Select Shrink.
6. Click the Shrink Font button several times. Your font becomes smaller.

Change the Font

In Microsoft Word, you can change the font (the "family" of type you use for your text). This
feature is illustrated in the following exercise:
Example - Change the Font with the Ribbon

1. Type the following:

Changing fonts
2. Select "Changing fonts."
3. Choose the Home tab.
4. Click the down arrow next to the Font field. A menu of fonts appears.
5. Move the cursor over the list of fonts. Word 2007 provides a live preview of what the font
will look like if you select it.
6. Click the font name to select the font you want.
Alternate Method—Change the Font with the Mini Toolbar

1. Select "Changing fonts."
2. Right-click. The Mini toolbar and a menu appears.
3. Move to the Mini toolbar.
4. Click the down arrow next to the Font field. A menu of fonts appears.
5. Click the name of the font you want.

Lesson 4

Formatting Paragraphs and Working with Styles

When you type information into Microsoft Word, each time you press the Enter key Word
creates a new paragraph. You can format paragraphs. For example, you can indent the first line
of a paragraph, you can set the amount of space that separates paragraphs, and you can align
a paragraph left, right, center, or flush with both margins. Styles are a set of formats you can
quickly apply to a paragraph. For example, by applying a style, you can set the font, set the font
size, and align a paragraph all at once. In this lesson, you will learn about the various formats
you can apply to a paragraph and about styles.
When you are formatting a paragraph, you do not need to select the entire paragraph. Placing
the cursor anywhere in the paragraph enables you to format it. After you format a paragraph,
pressing the Enter key creates a new paragraph in the same format.

Open a Blank Document

To begin a new Word project, you start by opening a new document. To begin this lesson, open
a blank document in Microsoft Word.
Example - Open a Blank Document
1. Open Word 2007.
2. Click the Microsoft Office button. A menu appears.
3. Click New. The New Document dialog box appears.

4. Click Blank Document.

5. Click Create. A new blank document opens.

Add Sample Text

This lesson uses sample text provided by Microsoft for training and demonstration purposes.
You can type the text; however, there is a quicker way. You can use the rand function.
Functions are used to obtain information. You tell the function what you want and the function
returns that information to you. By default, in Word, when you type the rand function, Word
returns three paragraphs. When working with functions, you use arguments to be specific about
what you want the function to return. There are two arguments you can use with the rand
function. The first one tells Word how many paragraphs you want, and the second one tells
Word how many sentences you want in a paragraph. You place arguments between the
parentheses and you separate them with a comma. For example, if you type =rand() and then
press Enter, word returns three paragraphs. To tell Word you want two paragraphs with three
sentences in each paragraph, you type = rand (2,3).
Example - Add Sample Text
1. Type =rand().
2. Press the Enter key. The following text appears:
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate
with the overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert
tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building

blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate

with your current document look. ¶
You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by
choosing a look for the selected text from the Quick Styles gallery on the Home
tab. You can also format text directly by using the other controls on the Home
tab. Most controls offer a choice of using the look from the current theme or
using a format that you specify directly. ¶
To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on
the Page Layout tab. To change the looks available in the Quick Style gallery,
use the Change Current Quick Style Set command. Both the Themes gallery and
the Quick Styles gallery provide reset commands so that you can always
restore the look of your document to the original contained in your current
template. ¶

Add Space Before or After Paragraphs

When creating a document, space is often used to clearly identify where each paragraph begins
and ends. By default, Word may place slightly more space between paragraphs than it does
between lines in a paragraph. You can increase or decrease the amount of space that appears
before and after paragraphs by entering amounts in the Before and After fields in the Paragraph
section of the Page Layout tab. Use the up arrows next to the Before and After fields to increase
the amount of space before or after each paragraph; use the down arrows to decrease the
amount of space before or after each paragraph. The following illustrates:

Example - Add Space Before or After Paragraphs

1. Place your cursor anywhere in the second paragraph of the sample text you created in

Exercise 2.
2. Choose the Page Layout tab. The default spacing appears in the Spacing Before field.
3. Click the up arrow next to the Spacing Before field to increase the space before the
4. Click the up arrow next to the Spacing After field to increase the amount of space after
the paragraph.
Note: You can click the down arrows next to the Spacing Before and the Spacing After fields to
decrease the amount of space before or after a paragraph. You can also type the amount of
space you want to use directly into the fields. Space is measured in points. There are 72 points
to an inch.

Change Line Spacing

Line spacing sets the amount of space between lines within a paragraph. The spacing for each
line is set to accommodate the largest font on that line. If the lines include smaller fonts, there
will appear to be extra space between lines where the smaller fonts are located. At 1.5, the line
spacing is set to one-and-a-half times the single-space amount. At 2.0, the line spacing is set to
two times the single-space amount (double space).

Example - Change Line Spacing

1. Place your cursor anywhere in the first paragraph of the sample text you created in

Exercise 2.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Line Spacing button in the Paragraph group. A menu of options appears.
4. Click 2.0 to double-space the first paragraph.

Create a First-Line Indent

Some people and organizations delineate the start of a new paragraph by indenting the first line.

If you want to indent the first line of your paragraphs, you can use the Paragraph dialog box to
set the amount by which you want to indent. In the Special Field of the Paragraph dialog box,
you tell Word you want to indent the first line by choosing First Line from the menu options. In
the By field, you tell Word the amount, in inches by which you want to indent.
EXAMPLE: First-line Indent
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate
with the overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables,
headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you
create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document
Example - Create a First-line Indent

1. Place your cursor anywhere within the first paragraph of the sample text you created in
Exercise 2.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. In the Paragraphs group, click the launcher. The Paragraph dialog box appears.

4. Choose the Indents and Spacing tab.

5. Click to open the drop-down menu on the Special field.
6. Click First Line.
7. Enter 0.5" in the By field.
8. Click OK. The first line of your paragraph is now indented half an inch.

Special Note: To remove the first line indent:

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. In the Paragraphs group, click the launcher. The Paragraph dialog box opens.
4. Choose the Indents and Spacing tab.
5. Click the down arrow next to the Special field and then click None.
6. Click OK.

Indent Paragraphs

Indentation allows you to indent your paragraph from the left and/or right margin. You may find
this necessary when you are quoting a large block of text. The following exercise shows you
how to indent a paragraph 1 inch from each side.
EXAMPLE: Indentation
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the

overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers,

footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create
pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look.
You can easily change the formatting of selected text in
the document text by choosing a look for the selected text
from the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab. You can
also format text directly by using the other controls on the
Home tab. Most controls offer a choice of using the look
from the current theme or using a format that you specify
Example - Indent Paragraphs

1. Place your cursor anywhere in the second paragraph of the sample text you created in
Exercise 2.
2. Choose the Page Layout tab.
3. Type 1" in the Indent Left field or use the up or down arrows to set the field value to 1".
4. Type 1" in the Indent Right field or use the up or down arrows to set the field value to 1".
Your paragraph is now indented one inch from both the left and right margins, as in the

Align Paragraphs

Microsoft Word gives you a choice of several types of alignments. Left-aligned text is flush with
the left margin of your document and is the default setting. Right-aligned text is flush with the
right margin of your document, centered text is centered between the left and right margins, and
Justified text is flush with both the left and right margins.
EXAMPLE: Left-Aligned
Sample Paragraph
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the
overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers,
footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create
pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look.
EXAMPLE: Right-aligned
Sample Paragraph
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the
overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers,
footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create
pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look.
EXAMPLE: Centered
Sample Paragraph
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the
overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers,
footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create
pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look.
EXAMPLE: Justified
Sample Paragraph
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the
overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers,
footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create
pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look.
The following exercises demonstrate how to justify text.
Example - Create the Paragraphs

1. Type Sample Paragraph.
2. Press Enter.
3. Type =rand(1) to create a paragraph.
4. Press Enter.


1. Select the paragraphs you created.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Align-right button in the Paragraph group. Word right-aligns your


1. Select the paragraphs you created.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Align-left button in the Paragraph group. Word left-aligns your paragraph.


1. Selected the paragraphs you created.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Center button in the Paragraph group. Word centers your paragraph.


1. Select the paragraphs you created.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Justify button in the Paragraph group. Word justifies your paragraph.

Alternate Method—Right-Justify with Keys
1. Select the paragraphs you created.
2. Press Ctrl + r. The paragraph is now right-aligned.
Alternate Method—Left-Justify with Keys
1. Select the paragraphs you created.
2. Press Ctrl + l. The paragraph is now left-aligned.
Alternate Method—Center with Keys
1. Select the paragraphs you created.
2. Press Ctrl + e. The paragraph is now centered.
Alternate Method—Justify with Keys
1. Select the paragraphs you created.
2. Press Ctrl + j. The paragraph is now justified.

Create a Hanging Indent

The hanging indent feature indents each line except the first line by the amount specified in the
By field, as shown in the example.
EXAMPLE:Hanging Indent
Hanging Indent: The hanging indent feature indents the first line of
the paragraph from the margin by the amount
specified in the Left field. The amount in the Left
field plus the amount specified in the By field
indent all subsequent lines.
Example - Create a Hanging Indent

1. Type the following:
Hanging Indent: The hanging indent feature indents the first line by the amount specified
in the Left field. Subsequent lines are indented by the amount specified in the Left field
plus the amount specified in the By field.
2. Select the paragraph you just typed.
3. Choose the Home tab.
4. Click the launcher in the Paragraph group. The Paragraph dialog box appears.

5. Choose the Indents and Spacing tab.
6. In the Special field, click to open the pull-down menu.
7. Click Hanging.
8. In the By box, type 2".

9. Click OK.

10. Place the cursor after the colon following "Hanging Indent."
11. Press the Tab key. Notice that the indentation changes.

Choose a Style Set

When working with Word, you can use styles to quickly format your documents. A style is a set
of formats consisting of such things as fonts, font colors, font sizes, and paragraph formats.
Word 2007 supplies you with predesigned style sets that contain styles for titles, subtitles,
quotes, headings, lists and more. The sections that follow all show you how to work with styles.
The exercises are based on a file you must download. Right click here to download the file.
Click Save Target As from the menu that appears, and save the linked file to a directory on your
computer. Then open the file.
Example - Choose a Style Set
1. Choose the Home tab.
2. Click Change Styles in the Styles group. A menu appears.
3. Click Style Set. A menu appears. You can choose from any of the styles listed on the
4. Click Simple. Word 2007 reformats all of the paragraphs into the Simple style by
applying the Normal format to each paragraph.

Apply a Style

You can see of all the styles available to you in the style set by clicking the launcher in the
Styles group and opening the Styles pane. You can leave the Styles pane open and available
for use by docking it. To dock the Styles pane, click the top of the pane and drag it to the left or
right edge of the Word window.
You do not need to select an entire paragraph to apply a style. If the cursor is anywhere in the
paragraph, when you click on the style, Word formats the entire paragraph.
Example - Apply the Title Style

1. Choose the Home tab.
2. Click the launcher in the Styles Group. The Styles pane appears. You can drag it to the
side of the Word window to dock it. To close the Styles pane, click the Close button in
the upper right corner of the pane .
3. Click anywhere in the paragraph "Single-Parent Family—Career Help."
4. Click Title in the Styles pane. Word 2007 applies the Title style to the paragraph.
Headings and subheadings mark major topics within your document. With Word 2007, you can
easily format the headings and subheadings in your document.

Apply Headings

1. Click anywhere in the paragraph "The Nature of Single Parenthood."
2. In the Style box, click Heading 1. Word reformats the paragraph.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 in the following paragraphs:

 Types of Single Parents
 Career Development Needs of Single Parents
 Career Development Programs

Apply Subheadings

1. Click anywhere in the paragraph "Displaced Homemakers"
2. In the Style box, click Heading 2. Word reformats the paragraph.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the following paragraphs:
 Displaced Homemakers
 Adolescent Mothers
 Single Fathers
 High School Dropout Prevention
 Established Education Sites
Alternate Method -- Apply Styles with the Ribbon
You can also choose styles by selecting the option you want from the Styles group on the
Ribbon. First you must place your cursor in the paragraph to which you want to apply the style.
Then you click the More button in the Styles group to see all of the styles in the currently
selected set. As you roll your cursor over each of the styles listed, Word 2007 provides you with
a live preview of how the style will appear when applied.
1. Select the paragraphs "Emotional Support" through "Parenthood Education" (they are
probably on page two).
2. Click the More button in the Styles group.
3. Locate and click the List Paragraph style. Word applies the List Paragraph style to the
paragraphs you selected.

Change Style Sets

Once you have applied styles, changing to another style set is easy. You simply open the Style
Set gallery. As you move your cursor down the menu, Word 2007 provides you with a live
preview of the effect of applying the style set. To choose a style set, you click it.
Example - Change Style Sets
1. Click Change Styles in the Styles group. A menu appears.
2. Click Style Set. A menu appears. As you move your cursor down the menu Word 2007
provides you with a live preview of the effect of applying the Style set to your document.
3. Click Formal. Word 2007 reformats all of the paragraphs into the Formal style applying
the appropriate format to each paragraph.
This is the end of Lesson 3. You can save you file and close Word. See Lesson 2 to learn how
to save and close.

Lesson 5

Adding Bullets and Numbers, Undoing and Redoing, Setting

Page Layouts and Printing Documents

If you have lists of data, you may want to bullet or number them. When using Microsoft Word,
bulleting and numbering are easy. The first part of this lesson teaches you to bullet and number.
After you have completed your document, you may want to share it with others. One way to
share your document is to print and distribute it. However, before you print you may want to add
page numbers and tell Word such things as the page orientation, the paper size, and the margin
setting you want to use. In this lesson you will learn how to layout and how to print your

Add Bullets and Numbers

In Microsoft Word, you can easily create bulleted or numbered lists of items. Several bulleting
and numbering styles are available, as shown in the examples. You can select the one you wish
to use.

How to do bullets and numbering


1. Type the following list as shown:
2. Select the words you just typed.
3. Choose the Home tab.

4. In the Paragraph group, click the down arrow next to the Bullets button . The Bullet

Library appears.
5. Click to select the type of bullet you want to use. Word adds bullets to your list.
Note: As you move your cursor over the various bullet styles, Word displays the bullet
style onscreen.

To remove the bulleting:

1. Select the list again.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. In the Paragraph group, click the down arrow next to the Bullets icon. The Bullet dialog
box appears.
4. Click None. Word removes the bullets from your list.


1. Type the following list as shown:
2. Select the words you just typed.

3. Choose the Home tab.

4. In the Paragraph group, click the down arrow next to the Numbering button . The
Numbering Library appears.
5. Click to select the type of numbering you want to use. Word numbers your list.
Note: As you move your cursor over the various number styles, Word displays the
number style onscreen.

To remove the numbering:

1. Select the list again.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. In the Paragraph group, click the down arrow next yo the Numbering icon. The Number
dialog box appears.
4. Click None. Word removes the numbering from your list.

Set the Orientation

Before you print your document, you may want to change the orientation of your pages. There
are two orientations you can use: portrait and landscape. Paper, such as paper sized 8 1/2 by
11, is longer on one edge than it is on the other. If you print in Portrait, the shortest edge of the
paper becomes the top of the page. Portrait is the default option. If you print Landscape, the
longest edge of the paper becomes the top of the page.
The exercises that follow use a file named SamplePrint.docx. Right click here to download the
file. Click Save Target As from the menu that appears, and save the linked file to a directory on
your computer. Then open the file.
Example - Set the Orientation

1. Choose the Page Layout tab.

2. Click Orientation in the Page Setup group. A menu appears.
3. Click Portrait. Word sets your page orientation to Portrait.

Set the Page Size

Paper comes in a variety of sizes. Most business correspondence uses 8 1/2 by 11 paper which
is the default page size in Word. If you are not using 8 1/2 by 11 paper, you can use the Size
option in the Page Setup group of the Page Layout tab to change the Size setting.
Example - Set the Page Size

1. Choose the Page Layout tab.

2. Click Size in the Page Setup group. A menu appears.
3. Click Letter 8.5 x 11in. Word sets your page size.

Set the Margins

Margins define the amount of white space that appears at the top, bottom, left, and right edges
of your document. The Margin option in the Page Setup group of the Page Layout tab provides
several standard margin sizes from which you can choose.
Example - Set the Margins

1. Choose the Page Layout tab.
2. Click Margins in the Page Setup group. A menu appears.
3. Click Moderate. Word sets your margins to the Moderate settings.

Add Page Numbers

Page numbers help you keep your document organized and enable readers to find information
quickly. You can add page numbers to the top, bottom, or margins of your pages, and you can
choose where the numbers appear. For example, numbers can appear at the top of the page,
on the left, right, or center of the page. Word also offers several number styles from which you
can choose.
Example - Add Page Numbers

1. Choose the Insert tab.

2. Click the Page Number button in the Header & Footer group. A menu appears.
3. Click Bottom of Page.
4. Click the right-side option.

Insert Page Breaks

As you learned in Lesson 1, you can display your document in any of five views: Draft, Web
Layout, Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, or Online Layout. In Print Layout view you see your
document as it will appear when you print it. You can clearly see where each page ends and a
new page begins.
As you review your document, you may find that you want to change the point at which a new
page begins. You do this by inserting a page break. For example, if a page heading appears on
one page and the first paragraph under the heading appears on the next page, you may want to
insert a page break before the heading to keep the heading and the first paragraph together.
Example - Change to Print View

1. Choose the View tab.

2. Click Print Layout in the Document Views group. Your document changes to the Print
Layout view.

Insert Page Breaks

1. Place your cursor before the D in "Displaced Homemakers"
2. Choose the Insert tab.
3. Click Page Break. Word places a page break in your document.
To delete a page break, you select the page break and then press the Delete key.

Preview and Print Documents

When you have your margins, tabs, and so on the way you want them, you are ready to print. In
Word, You can preview your document before you print. In the Preview mode, you can review
each page, view multiple pages at the same time, zoom in on a page, and access the Size,
Orientation, and Margin options.
If you press the Zoom button while you are in Preview mode, the Zoom dialog box appears. In
the Zoom dialog box you can set the sizes of the pages that display as well as the number of
pages that display.
When you are ready to print, you use the Print dialog box. In the Print Range area, choose All to
print every page of your document, choose Current Page to print the page you are currently on,
or choose Pages to enter the specific pages you want to print. Type the pages you want to print
in the Pages field. Separate individual pages with commas (1,3, 13); specify a range by using a
dash (4-9).
Example - Print Preview
1. Click the Microsoft Office button. A menu appears.
2. Highlight the Print option. The Preview and Print the Document menu appears.
3. Click Print Preview. The Preview window appears, with your document in the window.
4. Click One Page to view one page at a time. Click Two Pages to view two pages at a
5. To view your document in normal size, click 100%.
6. Click the Zoom Button. The Zoom dialog box appears.
7. Select an option and then click OK. Perform this task for each option and note the
Note: As you review your document, if you see changes you would like to make to the layout,
use the Margin, Orientation, or Page Size options to make the changes. If you want to make
other types of changes to your document, click the Close Print Preview button, to return to your
document. Once you are satisfied with your document, you are ready to print.
1. Click the Print button. The Print dialog box appears.
2. Click the down arrow next to the Name field and select the printer to which you want to
3. Choose All as the page range.
4. Click OK. Word prints your document.

Lesion 6


Drop Cap

It is an important feature of M. S. Word 2007. You can add emphasis to your Word 2007
documents by using Drop Caps… you know those big letters at the beginning of a document or
paragraph that make your document look really professional.

Click the beginning of the paragraph you want to emphasize. Then click the Insert tab on the
Ribbon and choose Drop Cap. You can scroll to any of the three preset Drop Caps and the
document will change with your choice. By default it will drop by three lines.
However, us geeks are never satisfied with default settings. You will notice in the screen above
there is a choice for Drop Cap Options. In the options screen you can change the font, the
number of lines to drop, and position.

Table of Contents

You create a table of contents by choosing the heading styles — for example, Heading 1,
Heading 2, and Heading 3 — that you want to include in the table of contents. Microsoft Office

Word searches for headings that match the style that you chose, formats and indents the entry

text according to the heading style, and then inserts the table of contents into the document.
Microsoft Office Word 2007 provides a gallery of automatic table of contents styles. Mark the
table of contents entries, and then click the table of contents style that you want from the gallery
of options. Office Word 2007 automatically creates the table of contents from the headings that
you marked.

Mark entries for a table of contents

The easiest way to create a table of contents is to use the built-in heading styles (heading style:
Formatting applied to a heading. Microsoft Word has nine different built-in styles: Heading 1
through Heading 9.). You can also create a table of contents that is based on the custom styles
that you have applied. Or you can assign the table of contents levels to individual text entries.

Mark entries by using built-in heading styles

1. Select the heading to which you want to apply a heading style.
2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the style that you want.

For example, if you selected text that you want to style as a main heading, click the style
called Heading 1 in the Quick Style gallery.
If you don't see the style that you want, click the arrow to expand the Quick Style
If the style that you want does not appear in the Quick Style gallery, press
CTRL+SHIFT+S to open the Apply Styles task pane. Under Style Name, click the style that you want.

Mark individual text entries

If you want the table of contents to include text that is not formatted as a heading, you can use
this procedure to mark individual text entries.

1. Select the text that you want to include in your table of contents.

2. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Add Text.
3. Click the level that you want to label your selection, such as Level 1 for a main level
display in the table of contents.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until you have labeled all of the text that you want to appear
in the table of contents.

Create a table of contents

After you mark the entries for your table of contents, you are ready to build it.
Create a table of contents from built-in heading styles
Use this procedure if you created a document by using heading styles.
1. Click where you want to insert the table of contents, usually at the beginning of a
2. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents,
and then click the table of contents style that you want.

NOTE If you want to specify more options — for example, how many heading levels to
show — click Insert Table of Contents to open the Table of Contents dialog box.
Create a table of contents from custom styles that you

Use this procedure if you already applied custom styles to your headings. You can choose the

style settings that you want Word to use when it builds the table of contents.
1. Click where you want to insert the table of contents.
2. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents,
and then click Insert Table of Contents.
3. Click Options.
4. Under Available styles, find the style that you applied to the headings in your
5. Under TOC level, next to the style name, type a number from 1 to 9 to indicate the
level that you want the heading style to represent.
NOTE If you want to use only custom styles, delete the TOC level numbers for the built-in
styles, such as Heading 1.
6. Repeat step 4 and step 5 for each heading style that you want to include in the table
of contents.
7. Click OK.
8. Choose a table of contents to fit the document type:

 Printed document If you are creating a document that readers will read on
a printed page, create a table of contents in which each entry lists both the heading
and the page number where the heading appears. Readers can turn to the page that
they want.

 Online document For a document that readers will read online in Word,
you can format the entries in the table of contents as hyperlinks, so that readers can
go to a heading by clicking its entry in the table of contents.
9. To use one of the available designs, click a design in the Formats box.
10. Select any other table of contents options that you want.

Format the table of contents

If you already have a table of contents in your document, you can change the options. To do
this, you need to insert a new table of contents by using the Table of Contents dialog box.
1. Select the existing table of contents.
2. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents,
and then click Insert Table of Contents.

3. In the Table of Contents dialog box, do any of the following:

 To change how many heading levels are displayed in the table of contents,
enter the number that you want in the box next to Show levels, under General.

 To change the overall look of your table of contents, click a different format
in the Formats list. You can see what your choice looks like in the Print Preview and
Web Preview areas.

 To change the way heading levels are displayed in the table of contents,
click Modify. In the Style dialog box, click the level that you want to change, and then
click Modify. In the Modify Style dialog box, you can change the font, the size, and
the amount of indentation.

Update the table of contents

If you added or removed headings or other table of contents entries in your document, you can
quickly update the table of contents.
1. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Update Table.

2. Click Update page numbers only or Update entire table.

Delete a table of contents

1. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents.

2. Click Remove Table of Contents.

Citation & Bibliography

Word 2007 offers great tools for citing sources, creating a bibliography, and managing the
sources. The first step to creating a reference list and citations in a document is to choose the
appropriate style that you will be using for formatting the citations and references.

To choose a publishing style:

 Click the References Tab on the Ribbon
 Click the drop down box next to Style in the Citations & Bibliography Group
 Choose the appropriate style.


To insert a citation in the text portion of your document:
 Click the References Tab on the Ribbon
 Click the Insert Citation Button on the Citations & Bibliography Group

 If this is a new source, click New Source

 If you have already created this source, it will in the drop down list and you can click on it

 If you are creating a New Source, choose the type of source (book, article, etc.)
 Complete the Create Source Form
 If you need additional fields, be sure to click the Show All Bibliography Fields check
 Click OK


Placeholders can be utilized when there is a reference to be cited, but you do not have all of the
information on the source. To insert a Placeholder:
 Click Insert Citation
 Click Add New Placeholder

Manage Sources

Once you have completed a document you may need to add or delete sources, modify existing
sources, or complete the information for the placeholders. To Manage Sources:
 Click the References Tab on the Ribbon
 Click the Manage Sources Button on the Citations & Bibliography Group
 From this menu you can Add, Delete, and Edit Sources (note, you can preview the
source in the bottom pane of the window


To add a Bibliography to the document:

 Place the cursor in the document where you want the bibliography

 Click the References Tab on the Ribbon
 Click the Bibliography Button on the Citations & Bibliography Group
 Choose Insert Built-in Bibliography/Works Cited or Insert Bibliography

Insert Footnote

Some types of academic writing utilize footnotes. To insert a footnote:
 Click the References Tab on the Ribbon
 Click Insert Footnote (or Insert Endnote depending on your needs)
 Begin typing the footnote

Mail Merge

The mail merge function in Microsoft Word enables you to create a standard letter in Word and
then change personal details on multiple copies according to recipients' name and address

details held in an Excel spreadsheet. An Access database can also be used to hold the address

details, but in this example, we will look at using Excel to hold this information.
So, to do a mail merge in Word you will need two things:
 A letter prepared in Word
 Address details of all those people who will receive the letter
To help the Word mail merge wizard identify the data correctly, it's best to ensure that the
address details in Excel don't have any missing rows - the data should have a continuous
range. Here is an example of the kind of data you would use.

Starting The Mail Merge in Word

In Word start the Word mail merge wizard by clicking Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Start Mail
Merge > Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. In the panel on the right, ensure that Letters is
selected and click Next: Starting document. Because we are going to write the letter after the
recipients have been selected, leave Use the current document selected and then click Next:
Select recipients. This is where our Excel spreadsheet of address details comes in. Ensure that
Use an existing list is selected and click browse. Navigate to where your recipient Excel
spreadsheet is, select it and then in the Select Table dialogue box select the worksheet that
contains your address details.

Ensure that the First row of data contains column headings is selected only where appropriate

and click OK.
Note that if you have the spreadsheet open in Excel while you are performin the mail merge in
Word, you may get the following cry for help from Word! If you do, don't panic. Simply close the
spreadsheet in Excel and try selecting it again in Word.
When you click OK, the Mail Merge Recipients dialogue box is presented.

You can use the Mail Merge Recipients dialogue box to deselect any addresses you don't want

to merge. Click OK when you have completed your selections. It's now time to write the letter,
so click Next: Write your letter. You have two options: you can either insert items of personal
information about your recipients as you go along, or you can write the letter in its entirety,
leaving gaps for that information for you to fill in once the letter is complete. We'll go with the
latter option. Once you have completed the letter, locate the cursor in one of the gaps you left
for recipient information and click More Items on the right. Ensure that Database Fields is
selected and select the piece of information you need from the list.

When you click Insert, that piece of data is inserted into the document where the cursor was

positioned. When all the recipient data has been added, click Next: Preview your letters. Here,
an example letter showing information about your first recipient is shown as a preview. Check
the preview and if you need to make any adjustments, click Previous: Write your letter,
otherwise click Next: Complete the merge.
At this point the mail merge is complete and all that is left to do is print the letters. When you
click Print, the Merge to Printer dialogue box is presented for you to choose which recipients to
You can select all recipients, only the current recipient or you can select a range of recipients, in
much the same way you would select what pages to print when you perform a normal print.

Spelling & Grammar

It is very important features of MS Word 2007. This option helps us to correct spelling and
grammar mistakes of the document. Its shortcut key is F7. When we done any spelling mistakes
then that word is underlined with green color. If we do any grammatical mistakes then that is
underlined with red color. It suggests also to correct the word or grammar. We can ignore the
suggestion also if we want to keep typed text.

Track Change

Track Changes is a great feature of Word that allows you to see what changes have been made
to a document. The tools for track changes are found on the Reviewing tab of the Ribbon.

Begin Track Changes

To keep track of the changes you’ll be making to a document, you must click on Track

Changes icon.

To start Tracking Changes:
 Click Review Tab on the Ribbon
 Click Track Changes
 Make the changes to your document and you will see any changes you have made.

Document Views

There are four ways to view a document after you have tracked changes:
 Final Showing Markup: This shows the document with the changes displayed
 Final: This shows the changed document, without the changes displayed
 Original Showing Markup: The original document with the changes displayed
 Original: The original document without any changes.
To change the view, click the appropriate choice in the Tracking Group of the Review Tab on
the Ribbon.

The Show Markup feature allows you to view different items (comments, formatting, etc.) and

choose to view different authors’ comments.

Accept or Reject Changes

When you view the changes in a document you can either choose to accept or reject the
changes. This allows you to review the document by each change to accept or reject each


The New Comments icon also lets you add comments to the document. To add a new
comment, put your cursor where you would like to add the comment and click on New


Macros are advanced features that can speed up editing or formatting you may perform often in
a Word document. They record sequences of menu selections that you choose so that a series
of actions can be completed in one step.

Recording a Macro

To record a Macro:
 Click the View Tab on the Ribbon
 Click Macros
 Click Record Macro
 Enter a name (without spaces)
 Click whether you want it assigned to a button (on the Quick Access Toolbar) or the
keyboard (a sequence of keys)
 To assign the macro a button on the Quick Access Toolbar:
 Click Button
 Under the Customize Quick Access Toolbar, select the document for which
you want the Macro available

 Under Choose Commands: Click the Macro that you are recording

 Click Add
 Click OK to begin Recording the Macro
 Perform the actions you want recorded in the Macro
 Click on Macros
 Click on Stop Recording Macros
To assign a macro button to a keyboard shortcut:
 Click Keyboard
 In the Press New Shortcut Key box, type the key sequence that you want and
click Assign

 Click Close to begin recording the Macro

 Perform the actions you want recorded in the Macro
 Click on Macros
 Click on Stop Recording Macros

Running a Macro

Running a macro depends on whether it’s been added to the Quick Access Toolbar or if it’s
been given a Keyboard Shortcut.
 To run a Macro from the Quick Access Toolbar, simply click the Macro Icon
 To run a Macro from the Keyboard shortcut, simply press the keys that you have
programmed to run the Macro.

Shortcut Key

Shortcut Key Work

Ctrl + Alt + F2 Display Open Dialog Box to open a file
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Displays Print Dialog Box.
Ctrl + F4, Ctrl + W It closes the current open window
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + B Bold
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + D Displays Font Dialog Box
Ctrl + E Centre Alignment
Ctrl + F Displays Find Dialog Box
Ctrl + G Goto
Ctrl + H Replace Dialog Box
Ctrl + I Italic
Ctrl + J Justify
Ctrl + K Displays Hyperlink Dialog Box
Ctrl + L Left Alignment
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + N To Open New Document
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + Q Remove Paragraph formatting

Ctrl + R Right Alignment

Ctrl + S Save the Document
Ctrl + T Create a hanging indent
Ctrl + U Underline
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + W Close current open window
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + 1 Single space line
Ctrl + 2 Double space line
F1 Get Help or Visit Microsoft Office Online
F2 Move Text Or Graphics
F4 Repeat the last action
F5 GoTo
F6 Goto Next Pane or Frame
F7 Spelling And Grammar
F8 Extend a Selection
F9 Update the Selected Field
F10 Show Key Tips / Select the Tab
F11 Goto The Next Field
F12 Save As Dialog Box
Ctrl + Shift + F5 To edit bookmark
Alt + F4 To exit from the application
Alt + F5 To restore the window

Alt + F7 To send the cursor on next spelling or

grammar mistakes
Alt + F8 To run a macro
Alt + F10 To maximize or restore the window
Shift + F2 Copy Text
Shift + F2 Change The Case Of Letters
Shift + F4 Repeat Last Find
Shift + F5 Move To The Last Change
Shift + F6 Go To Previous Frame Or Pane
Shift + F7 Thesaurus
Shift + F12 Save The Current Document
← Left Movement of Cursor
→ Right Movement Of Cursor
↑ Up Movement Of Cursor
↓ Down Movement OF Cursor
Home Send the Cursor in the begging of line
End Send the Cursor in the end of line

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